Category: Baby items

My First Turkey Day Outfit

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. If your family is anything like mine we are planning our menu, time and what we are wearing. A holiday would not be complete with …

Earth Dish Set for Kids

  When it comes to dishes for my grandchildren I stay away from as many plastics products as I can. Glass is out of the question which has led …

Do You Know about Ozeri Brand

When I find a product that is worth my hard earned dollars I become a loyal customer to that brand. Then next thing I  cannot wait to do is …

Baby Soother – Smart Interactive

A baby soother might just give my daughter the good night sleep she has been missing for 10 months. Our little granddaughter wakes up every few hours. She is …

Infantino Alphabet Color Learning Lady Bug

When it comes to young children the sooner they are introduced to information the faster they learn. Retaining the learned concepts is easier for them with repetitive play. Another …

Stylish Diaper Bag for the New Mom

When going out with a new baby you need to take along so many essentials. A simple trip can make a new mom apprehensive that she is forgetting something …