Category: Giveaways

Zippy Popcorn Popper

Popping popcorn in my family is a family tradition.  There is nothing better on a cold winter day than a big bowl of popcorn and family fun.  With the …

Simple Beauty Aurora Borealis

The Simple Beauty Aurora Borealis pendent and earrings are perfect for those who like the Aurora lights. These stunning pieces allow the colors to bounce off them as the …

New MegaWheels Hover board Giveaway

  We love our followers so much we have a NEW HOVER BOARD GIVEAWAY just to say thank you for following.  MegaWheels is also proud to sponsor a second …

Electric Scooters by MegaWheels

Electric Scooters have become more popular with all ages. Scooters are not just a fun toy, they have become moods of transportation for many. This scooter is a lightweight …

Coloring Package Giveaway!

  Coloring is still one of the fastest growing hobby of adults today. Gel pens, fineliners and markers are all important tools to showcase the talented hobbyist creations. Today …

MegaWheels Hover board Giveaway

  Adults. teens and even young children are riding hover boards. Why are these electric hover boards so popular because they offer the whole family hours of fun.  Megawheels …

Ozeri Fresca Salad Spinner

Ozeri Fresca Salad Spinner My salad spinner is one of my most used kitchen tool. I do eat a lot of salads, but a salad spinner can be used …