Category: Health

Portable Adult Electric Scooter

  Electric Scooters can be great mood of transportation whether its going back and forth to the office or riding in the park. Today with more people trying to …

Organic Bath Bomb

Tossing in a Organic Bath Bomb into a hot bath is the best way to relax after a stressful day. With the holidays approaching so will your stress levels, …

Digital Bathroom Scale

Keeping track of what we weigh is not fun for most of us. Though a good digital bathroom scale can make the task a little easier. Seeing the numbers …

Do You Know about Ozeri Brand

When I find a product that is worth my hard earned dollars I become a loyal customer to that brand. Then next thing I  cannot wait to do is …

Rechargeable Blood Pressure Monitor

If you or someone you love has high blood pressure you understand how dangerous this can be to someones health. Having a accurate way to monitor blood pressure should …

Organic Laundry Detergent

Does Organic laundry detergent really work? Yes, the Defunkify Active wash laundry detergent works really well. Over the last few years I have started gravitating towards using more organic …