Summer is a time for relaxing and enjoying time with family and friends. What is better than having a picnic date or even a impromptu lunch. Maybe you are …
The cost of buying a new vehicle is out of the reach for most consumers today. Which means we have to take better care of our vehicles. However, many …
I can’t tell you how many times we have locked ourselves out of the house. It is so easy we go out the the pool or yard and the …
As time goes on we find out more and more products causing harm to our environment and health. Chemicals are polluting the ground and our fresh water resources scientist …
If your house is anything like mine, I never have enough storage space. There are somethings that we like to have available quickly, to be able to see or …
Some schools have already started in some parts of the US, but in other areas we still have a month to pick up our back to school supplies. What …
Summer is a great time of the year for those yard and home improvement projects. The hardest part of any project is trying to stay within a budget which …
When it comes to keeping my carpets clean I need a powerful vacuum that can not only reach the deep down dirt, but handle the dog hair. With …
Brand name products are what we reach for when shopping. While store brands sit right next to these brand name products we still reach for the brand name products. …
One household task I hate to do is dishes. First the dishes appear to stack up out of nowhere. Leaving a never ending supply of dirty dishes. Then I …